Fix Your Credit Score Today. Buy a House Tomorrow
Fix Your Credit Score Today
If you have a number of derogatory items on your credit report that are bringing your credit score down, it’s usually not a short (2-4 week) fix, but rather it can take 6-18 months to fix your credit score. Still it’s worth it for your long term financial goals, including buying a home.
Investigate Your Credit Score
Step one is to research your credit by obtaining a FREE Credit report. This won’t include scores, but it will include descriptions of all the items that are impacting your score. This site is the only Federally-sanctioned site to get your free credit report without any obligations to pay for any other service now or in the future.
Get Advice From a Professional
After you view your personal credit report, you’ll need to find a credit counseling/repair company to formulate and implement your credit repair plan. It’s hard to find good local companies that do this, but one way to ensure you’re dealing with a credible company is to ask for a recommendation from a local lender, which you can find here:

Tod Dianovich, Loan Officer at Guild Mortgage | 602.705.5915
If you’re looking for absolutely one of the best loan officers in the Phoenix Area, look no further than Tod Dianovich. Tod has a solid record in closing and funding home purchases ahead of schedule with no surprises. Tod’s company, Guild Mortgage offers the highest level of service and a large selection of mortgage products to help you buy that home.
Your Credit Score Affects Your Interest Rate
Always keep an eye on your credit score. Your interest rate is directly affected by your credit history. So if you’re putting off buying a new home because you fear the credit report, it’s time to take a deep breath and dive on in.

Additional Credit Score Resources
- Consumer Protection Bureau via United States Government
- How do credit repair companies work? via Kim Porter
- Credit Scores: What are they? How do they work? via Johnathan Wu
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About the Author: The above article was written by Troy J. Elston, a licensed Realtor at West USA Realty, the premiere real estate brokerage based in Peoria Arizona. With years of experience in the real estate industry, Troy produces stunning results for home buyers and sellers. If you’re thinking of BUYING or SELLING a home in the Phoenix Area, Troy would love to share his knowledge and expertise with you.
Troy offers great services at a low price. Follow Troy on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn to catch commission specials and buyer rebates you won’t find anywhere else.